So much to see and do, you won't get it all done!
A weekend pass is your best bet.
But if you can't do that,
be here when the gates open!
See WWII aircraft and displays.
Watch many of them fly at about 8:30 Saturday and Sunday mornings.
These are aircraft like the P-51, B-25, TBM, T6, T34 and others.
This is the "Dawn Patrol" and it's designed to remind the town that "WE HAVE AN AIR SHOW TODAY."
See Current military airplanes, up close - Talk to the pilots.
See general aviation airplanes on display and much more.
We'll start the air show around noon and it will be non-stop to the end.
▶ USAF Performance Lab
▶ Army Special Ops Display
▶ Navy Week at the Quad Cities
▶ USAF Major Ground Display
▶ Kidspace Games
▶ Helicopter Rides 😀
▶ Army Challenge Course
▶ Flight Simulator
▶ Video Game Suburban
▶ Accelerate you life Experience - Navy
▶ F-22 Raptor Mini Display
▶ Marine Hummer
▶ Ar Force Suburban
▶ Mobile Aviation History Display
▶ Great selection of Food and Beverage
▶ QCAS Novelties for sale
▶ Saturday Night Concert
▶ Plus Much Much More - Over 200 displays
Here are some of the Static Displays we hope to have at the 2024 Quad City Air Show.